


作者:小溪。  类别:武侠  状态:连载中 / 更新时间:2023-03-24 / 举报错误
    小莫的世界跟其他人不一样,前所未有的拥挤,也前所未有的孤独。    她与卡尔以为能联手解决学校发生的自杀案件,却一起跌入没有阳光的深海,    在那里只有恐惧,她抓紧他温暖的手、挣扎。    高中毕业..
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Chapter One: Present (1) Chapter One: Present (2) Chapter One: Present (3) Chapter One: Present (4)
Chapter One: Present (5) Chapter Two: Past (1) Chapter Two: Past (2) Chapter Two: Past (3)
Chapter Two: Past (4) Chapter Two: Past (5) Chapter Three: Present (1) Chapter Three: Present (2)
Chapter Three: Present (3) Chapter Three: Present (4) Chapter Three: Present (5) Chapter Four: Past (1)
Chapter Four: Past (2) Chapter Four: Past (3) Chapter Four: Past (4) Chapter Four: Past (5)
Chapter Five: Present (1) Chapter Five: Present (2) Chapter Five: Present (3) Chapter Five: Present (4)
Chapter Five: Present (5) Chapter Six: Past (1) Chapter Six: Past (2) Chapter Six: Past (3)
Chapter Six: Past (4) Chapter Six: Past (5) Chapter Seven: The Hit (1) Chapter Seven: The Hit (2)
Chapter Seven: The Hit (3) Chapter Seven: The Hit (4) Chapter Seven: The Hit (5) Chapter Seven: The Hit (6)
Chapter Seven: The Hit (7) Chapter Seven: The Hit (8) Chapter Eight: Final (1) Chapter Eight: Final (2)
Chapter Eight: Final (3) Chapter Eight: Final (4) 番外《卡尔的房间》01 番外《卡尔的房间》02
番外《詹森的外婆》01 番外《詹森的外婆》02 后记