

    d have double bsp;with me about this&o tina hu?this pany pays you to&he safeguard of our fihis is why your salary is&imes&han jiarui’s。is this how you take responsibility, to blame your assistant?yligenbsp;has bsp;this pany almost 100,000。”黛安娜说完,指着急得眼泪已经在眼眶里打转的徐嘉瑞说,“you bsp;go now,i have&o disbsp;with jianya in private。”


    “i need ynatioer on my desk within the hour。”黛安娜开门见山。

    “just bebsp;i didn’t bsp;with you about the pile of payables you&o jiarui in the first plabsp;事已至此,黛安娜撕开了脸面,贝简雅反而不慌不忙。

    “this is simply the final straw. your performa work lately has been lacklustre; your job is not your number one priority。bsp;all the personal leave you&aken, i bsp;al;have others bsp;for you during your absenbsp;黛安娜靠在椅背上,一派轻松。

    “i am&led to all the leave i&aken and i&he medibsp;certifibsp;to verify it。” 贝简雅据理力争。

    “more importantly,in exbsp;for ynation i will not bsp;babsp;the&hat has&o tina hu。i am sure you are a;how important that money is tht now。of bsp;it is your bsp;to& think carefully and quibsp;am not a& person。” 黛安娜阴恻恻的看着贝简雅,嘴角一丝浅笑。

    “this is pure spirabsp;贝简雅气愤的望着黛安娜。

    “you bsp;say whatever you want。you have one hour to debsp;now& out of my offibsp;黛安娜撇一下嘴,给一个你奈我何的表情。





    ☆、第 14 章




    “this is a& up。”


    “these are all your choia。”


    “we just need ynature on it。as the bsp;you&ed&ely against the pany’s& and that is unfivable。furthermore your absp;breabsp;various corporate ma&ions within bsp;british and australian jurisdibsp; any one of them would happily see you fined, barred from board positions and&ially imprisoned. &her sign this or ;ihorities.”


    “susan,this is all one big misuanding。”

    “diana,you&ly purbsp;a 15% stake in heya for the purpose to make a profit from our pending takeover。pure irading and breabsp;of trust, there is no exbsp;for that。”


    “are you in this with them?”

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